Basic Membership Information
Members pay a modest $45 per year plus a one-time $20 enrollment fee (total $65). Students pay only $15 plus a one-time $20 enrollment fee (total $35). Becoming a SJVW member automatically puts you on our mailing list and also makes you a member of the statewide California Writers Club (CWC).
Membership is from July 1 through June 30 of each year. If renewal is not received by September 30 for members in good standing, those members will be removed by the CWC. To be reinstated, lapsed members must re-apply as new members and re-qualify for membership.
Click on the link below to be directed to the membership site in which you are interested.
Secondary Branch (adding additional memberships to other CWC branches)
Pro-rated Membership (only available between November1 and February 1; From April 1 and on, please use regular membership)