Each month, we feature a member of SJVW, highlighting their background and interests in writing. If you would like to be featured or would like to nominate someone to be featured in the spotlight, let us know by clicking here. We hope you enjoy getting to know other members! For archived Members in the Spotlight, click here.
Member in the Spotlight
Deborah Grochau
Deborah Grochau grew up loving history. Perhaps, it was because she was born in Delaware, the first state to ratify the Constitution. Her passion for history led her to travel throughout the United States and to study in Europe. When she moved to California and started teaching junior high school, she discovered that not everyone loved history as much as she did. Her students weren’t interested in history that was chronologically and geographically distant from their own experiences. Those eighth graders taught her that students are more interested when they can relate to what they are learning. The same is true for readers.
Now retired from teaching, Deborah writes historical novels with universal themes she hopes will appeal to her former students (now adults) and other readers. Sign up for her newsletter to follow her progress toward publication. www.deborahjoangrochau.com